Homeopathy for Overindulgence

Homeopathy for Overindulgence

With Homeopathy for Overindulgence, we are briefly departing from our "sickness" symptoms series. However, since overindulgence can be a major factor in coming down with an illness or not, it feels right to write this now, on the heels of Halloween and heading for the...

Homeopathy for Vomiting

Homeopathy for Vomiting

Homeopathy for vomiting will be our topic this week. This series covers all the possible "sickness season" symptoms and how to address them with Homeopathy. We have covered diarrhea, coughs, sore throats, fevers, the flu, the "stomach flu", and post-viral fatigue, as...

Homeopathy for Diarrhea

Homeopathy for Diarrhea

This week we will learn how to use Homeopathy for Diarrhea. We touched on gastro issues in the post, Homeopathy for the "stomach flu" aka gastroenteritis, but I promised to go deeper on each of the possible symptoms. Whether it is from the "stomach flu" or food...

Homeopathy for Post-Viral Fatigue

Homeopathy for Post-Viral Fatigue

In this post, we will discuss how to use Homeopathy for post-viral fatigue. If you have been following my "sickness season" series, then you already know how to try to stave off the virus in the first place, address any fevers safely, treat your sore throat, cough,...

Homeopathy for Coughs

Homeopathy for Coughs

Last week we covered Homeopathy for Sore Throats. This week we will continue the theme and cover Homeopathy for coughs. I briefly touched on coughs in the post, Stop and Cold Before it Starts, but here we will go in depth. Many an illness during the sickness seasons...

Homeopathy for Sore Throats

Homeopathy for Sore Throats

This week we will talk about how to use Homeopathy for sore throats, tonsillitis, and the ultimate of sore throats, Strep throat. Let's go over the main remedies for when we have a sore throat. Choose the remedy that matches your sore throat the best, if you have it...

Addressing Fevers Safely

Addressing Fevers Safely

This post will cover addressing fevers safely. We will discuss: when to let your child's fever do the work it's supposed to do when to address your child's fever how to address fevers safely, without side effects or prolonging illness adult fevers The Truth about...

Homeopathy for the “Stomach Flu”

Homeopathy for the “Stomach Flu”

Learn how to utilize Homeopathy for the stomach flu! This week, we will cover gastroenteritis, also nicknamed the stomach flu. The actual flu does not generally have a gastro component for most people. However, some of the common symptoms caused by gastroenteritis are...

Homeopathy Combo for Swimmer’s Itch

Homeopathy Combo for Swimmer’s Itch

Learn how to make a Homeopathy combo for Swimmer's itch! This is the 7th post in the Summertime Remedy Series. If you are new to Homeopathy, read, "Homeopathy: What it is and How it Changed my Life" so you can learn the basics. Any freshwater lake can contain the...

Homeopathy for Bug Bites and Stings

Homeopathy for Bug Bites and Stings

Learn how to use Homeopathy for bug bites and stings! This is the fifth post in the Summertime Remedy Series. If you are new to Homeopathy, read my post, "Homeopathy: What it is and How it changed my Life." One of the most frustrating things about the beautiful summer...

Homeopathy For Sunburns

Homeopathy For Sunburns

Homeopathy for Sunburns is the third post in the summertime remedy series. We first did Homeopathy for Motion Sickness, and then Homeopathic Remedies for Food Poisoning. I am trying to cover all the common ailments that could come up during a summer of adventures.  If...

Homeopathy for Motion Sickness

Homeopathy for Motion Sickness

There is nothing like motion sickness or car sickness for taking the excitement out of getting to your vacation destination. As with most ailments, homeopathy has the answer! We will start off a Summertime Remedies Series with Homeopathy for Motion Sickness. If you...

Why You Should Learn to Love Your Symptoms

Why You Should Learn to Love Your Symptoms

What?! I should love my symptoms? Are you reading this because the title sounds crazy? Are you wondering if I have lost my mind? Or maybe this is a post about being grateful for what you have. Although it is always beneficial to be grateful for what you have, no! I...

DIY Magnesium Oil Roller for Better Sleep

Did you know that you are most likely magnesium deficient? Over 80% of us are, so unless you eat a perfect diet that excludes sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, are not stressed, and haven't been sick recently, you probably are deficient.  Magnesium actually plays a...

Homemade Tinctures: How and Why to Make them

Homemade tinctures are as easy to make as putting herbs and alcohol in a glass jar and waiting! Should I back up and remind you what a tincture is first? A tincture is a highly concentrated extract of herbs. Tinctures provides a concentrated dose of the herb which can...

Elderberry Syrup: Benefits and Making Your Own

Elderberry syrup is one of the most important tools in my home apothecary for keeping my family healthy when there are colds and flus flying around. We take it almost daily during the sickness season to support our immune systems. It also works as a great place to...

Lower Stress Hormones and Boost Energy with Holy Basil (aka Tulsi)

Holy Basil tea has been a part of my evening ritual again for the past few weeks. I discovered it last summer and drank a lot of it, but then I couldn't find it in loose leaf form for about 6 months and so I got out of the habit of drinking it. Finally, I found it...

Charcoal Gummies: For Quick Tummy Relief!

These activated charcoal gummies are the perfect thing to have around in the case of food poisoning, stomach flu, or other tummy troubles! I make and freeze them so that they are on hand in case of one of these emergencies. They are tasty enough that most kids will...

Chamomile: Uses and Benefits (plus 10 recipes and why your garden needs it!)

Something awesome is happening in my yard right now! There is chamomile growing, and I didn't even plant it this year!  This is year two of "back-to-Eden" gardening for me, or as I like to call it "busy-woman-gardening". If you have never heard of back to Eden...

Decoction of Marshmallow Root and Slippery Elm Bark to Heal and Seal your Gut

What is a Decoction? A decoction is simply a very strong tea made from the chopped, sturdier parts of herbs (roots, barks, etc). In this decoction, we use chopped Slippery Elm bark and chopped Marshmallow root. Both are demulcents. A demulcent relieves irritation and...

Dandelion: A Super Food?

Oh, the lowly dandelion! This "weed" is actually anything but lowly, and now that it is spring, it is the perfect time to bring to mind their benefits before you start your war with them (if you do). Please allow me break down the benefits of consuming the different...

Fermented Garlic: Win the fight against sickness this winter!

Ok. I truly hate to be the one to bring this up while we are all enjoying a beautiful summer, but...Winter Is Coming! We need a stockpile of "dragon glass" (aka fermented garlic) to win the war against colds, sinus infections, flus, bronchitis, and stomach bugs this...

Lemon Balm: Calms Anxiety, Encourages Restful Sleep, Fights Viruses and More!

Meet the lovely lemon balm! This relative to mint is so easy to grow; you can basically put it in the ground and forget about it. If you don't have garden space, you can easily grow it in a container. This amazing herb is a miracle worker for us humans and a favorite...

Kombucha: Health Benefits and Doing a Continuous Brew

What is Kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented tea. The scoby (or mother) and starter tea ferment fresh tea and sugar. As the bacteria and yeast "eat" the sugar, they produce some amazing nutrients.     The Benefits of Drinking Kombucha: Detoxification Helps with...

Mojito Natural Soda: A Refreshing Way to Get Probiotics!

This Mojito Natural Soda is a refreshing blend of mint and lime, as you may have already guessed. There is no alcohol in it, but if you add rum, you have a tasty mojito-like drink with probiotics and no sugar! See my post on How to Brew Water Kefir (plus the benefits...

Lemonade Water Kefir: A Delicious Fermented Beverage

Lemonade Water Kefir is one of my kids' favorites! It's a delicious lemonade made with water kefir that is filled with nutrients. Go here for a tutorial on brewing water kefir if you don't know how. This lemonade Water Kefir contains: Probiotics (beneficial bacteria)...

Blueberry-Raspberry Shrub (aka drinking vinegar)

I'm sure you have seen all the posts about the 101 uses for raw apple cider vinegar (ACV). Maybe those articles have even convinced you to try adding ACV to your routine. After a few mornings of choking down some vinegar and water before your breakfast, maybe you gave...

Lower Stress Hormones and Boost Energy with Holy Basil (aka Tulsi)

Holy Basil tea has been a part of my evening ritual again for the past few weeks. I discovered it last summer and drank a lot of it, but then I couldn't find it in loose leaf form for about 6 months and so I got out of the habit of drinking it. Finally, I found it...

Milk Kefir: The Benefits of Adding it to your Diet

Milk kefir is a staple in our household. It actually has more probiotics than yogurt (even homemade yogurt). It contains beneficial enzymes and yeasts that help with digestion and immunity. Milk kefir is full of healthy fats and bio-available nutrients that your body...

Homemade Hemp Milk (with flavor variations)

Homemade hemp milk has just three ingredients and because hemp seeds don't need to be soaked, it takes only two minutes to make! Use your tasty homemade hemp milk in smoothies, baking, or anywhere else you would use milk or a milk replacement. Try one of the three...

Lemon Balm: Calms Anxiety, Encourages Restful Sleep, Fights Viruses and More!

Meet the lovely lemon balm! This relative to mint is so easy to grow; you can basically put it in the ground and forget about it. If you don't have garden space, you can easily grow it in a container. This amazing herb is a miracle worker for us humans and a favorite...

Watermelon-Mint Shrub: Improve your digestion with this tasty drink!

This watermelon-mint shrub is so refreshing and good for your body!! There are so many benefits to consuming raw apple cider vinegar, but if you have tried having a tablespoon of raw ACV in some water in the morning or before meals to encourage good digestion, balance...

Kraut Juice: A Probiotic-filled Beverage.

What is Kraut juice? Kraut juice is probably the cheapest and most probiotic-packed beverage that you can make for yourself at home. It only takes a few minutes, and it is a great way to get started making fermented foods. We drink this regularly at our house and we...


Chelsea Duffy

Chelsea is a Homeopath and Holistic Nutritionist who helps people take back their health and vitality.

In her practice, she utilizes multiple methods of Homeopathy, Holistic Nutrition, Energy medicine, Mindset, and intuitive practices.

Chelsea is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (BCHN) and has a Master’s in Education (M.Ed). She is a Homeopath (PHom), a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), and a Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP) level 3.

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