This post will cover addressing fevers safely. We will discuss:
- when to let your child’s fever do the work it’s supposed to do
- when to address your child’s fever
- how to address fevers safely, without side effects or prolonging illness
- adult fevers
The Truth about Fevers:
The American Pediatric Association states, “not only is there no need to bring down a fever in an otherwise healthy child, but there is a downside to treating a fever – it can prolong the illness that originally sparked the high temperatures.”
They advise only treating your child’s fever if he or she:
- Looks very ill, is unusually drowsy or is very fussy
- Has been in a very hot place, such as an overheated car
- Has other symptoms, such as a stiff neck, severe headache, severe sore throat, severe ear pain, an unexplained rash or repeated vomiting or diarrhea
- Has signs of dehydration, such as a dry mouth, sunken soft spot or significantly fewer wet diapers and unable to take in fluids
- Has immune system problems, such as sickle cell disease or cancer, or is taking steroids
- Has had a seizure
- Is younger than 3 months (12 weeks) and has a temperature of 100.4°F (38.0°C) or higherFever rises above 104°F (40°C) repeatedly for a child of any age
More important Facts About Fevers:
- A fever is merely a sign of an illness. It is not the illness, but a beneficial response to the illness by the body.
- You do not always need to address a fever with a homeopathic remedy. Often, it is best to let the body “burn” out the virus or bacteria.
- Fevers actually kill cancer cells on a large scale!
- OTC meds like, Tylenol/Acetaminophen and Advil/Ibuprofen, that suppress fevers not only halt this amazing function of the body, but also are linked with developmental delays, liver issues, asthma, and many other chronic health issues. As stated above, they also likely prolong the illness by robbing the body of this helpful tool.
- Homeopathy can aid the fever in fighting the entire illness. It stimulates the body’s ability to gain equilibrium.
Homeopathy for Fevers
Here are the top fever remedies and their keynotes. (Keynotes are the symptoms that best suit that remedy.)
- Aconite: Fever presents suddenly
- Belladonna: For a HIGH fever. The person will often have a red face and appear weak, exhausted, and incoherent.
- Chamomile: Best for a teething fever. Generally accompanied by irritability.
Note! The three remedies above are often combined into a wonderful combination remedy called ABC after the first letters of each remedy!
- Ferrum phos 6x: This cell salt is the “principle remedy for high temperatures, quickened pulse, and feverishness,” according to the Biochemic Handbook. (This book is out of print and therefore ridiculously expensive, but there are many other amazing cell salt books.
- Pulsatilla: Fever with clingy, weepy, or neediness.
Combination Remedies for Fever:
There are many premade combinations that you can buy for fevers. Here are a couple of my favorites:
When to address the fever?
I prefer to leave a fever run unless my child (or another loved one) is too uncomfortable to sleep. Since sleep is so important to healing, this is where I draw the line. Other Homeopaths and parents have a higher threshold and others have a lower threshold. Your job as the parent is to take the information and find what is right for you and your child.
I definitely have noticed that illnesses resolve much quicker when I am not so fast to hand out remedies, and his helps me hold my ground.
Fevers in Adults
Many adults have lost the ability to mount a fever because of so much fever suppression throughout their lives. If you are capable of mounting a fever, hooray for you! If you are not, a hot bath, a sauna, or using a heated blanket can help mimic the fever’s effects.
I certainly wouldn’t address my fever unless I was absolutely too uncomfortable to be able to sleep.
How to dose Homeopathy for Fevers
- As a fever is an acute situation (rather than chronic), we match the potency and frequency with the intensity of the situation.
- For potency, with most fevers, a 30c or a 200c will work beautifully.
- As for frequency, you may need to dose once every 15 minutes for that first hour and then start spreading out the doses. If the child (or adult) falls asleep after a dose, this is a wonderful sign! Let them sleep even if you can feel them getting hot again.
- Once they wake, if they are hot, but not uncomfortable, you don’t need to dose again.
- On the contrary, if they wake and are too uncomfortable, you can five another dose. Remember that our goal is not actually to get rid of the fever, but to make it tolerable for the person.
- You can give other remedies alongside the fever remedy. Say they have a painful sore throat or a cough that is disrupting their sleep, you will want to address those for them with remedies.
Other Considerations for Fevers
- Keep your child (or yourself) hydrated as the high heat causes perspiration with can quickly cause dehydration.
- Of course, rest is best 🙂
- Often the body does not want food during a fever. This is because it is so busy fighting off the illness. Resist the urge to make yourself eat.
What about Febrile Seizures?
- As stated above, febrile seizures happen most often as a result of getting overheated rather than from illness. It is a result of the temperature raising too high too quickly.
- If the child you are caring for has had a seizure before, you will want to give remedies much sooner.
The Banerji Protocol for Fevers of Unknown Origin addresses the possibly of febrile seizures with Cuprum metallicum (a well-known seizure remedy.)
The protocol is as follows:
- Give Arnica 3c mixed with Cuprum met 6c, one dose every 15 minutes for 3 doses.
- Wait one hour.
- If the temperature is still too high, repeat 1 dose every 15 minutes for 3 doses and wait one hour.
- After the temperature has come down, other fever remedies may be used.
Have you ever used Homeopathy to safely address a fever? How did it go?