Buckwheat Dutch Baby (Gluten-free)
This Buckwheat Dutch Baby is gluten-free and nutritious! It is one of the most simple and easy ways to have a hot breakfast ready quickly as well. It doesn't puff and curl in quite the same way as it's gluten containing brethren, but it does not disappoint in the...

Buckwheat Sourdough Ebelskivers (aka Pancake Balls)
Ebelskivers harken back to my Norwegian roots. They are not a passed-down family recipe, however. I had to discover them on my own. I created this Buckwheat Sourdough recipe is for all those who are gluten-free or want an alternative to wheat. Making them sourdough...

Buckwheat Sourdough Crepes
These Buckwheat Sourdough Crepes are a breakfast staple in our house! Despite what you may think, crepes are just as easy to make as pancakes. These crepes are gluten-free, loaded with healthy fats and protein. A much better way to start your day than the toxic cereal...

Grain-free Waffles: Delicious, Nutrient-packed (no gums!)
You won't even notice that these nutrient-packed, grain-free waffles are gluten-free and grain-free! The recipe is very simple to make which is why these were my go-to breakfast while I went three months without a kitchen (dishwasher flood forced an impromptu kitchen...

Homemade Hemp Milk (with flavor variations)
Homemade hemp milk has just three ingredients and because hemp seeds don't need to be soaked, it takes only two minutes to make! Use your tasty homemade hemp milk in smoothies, baking, or anywhere else you would use milk or a milk replacement. Try one of the three...

Is Your Breakfast Helping Or Hurting You? (Plus My Superfood-Filled Breakfast Smoothie Recipe)
I always believed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now I know that this is only true in certain instances. The popular belief that I subscribed to was that eating breakfast gets your metabolism started for the day. In his article "Does Skipping...

Buckwheat Sourdough Pancakes and Waffles (gluten-free, grain-free)
This buckwheat sourdough pancakes and waffles recipe is the closest to the "real deal" gluten-free, grain-free pancake/waffle recipe that I have ever tasted! I love to use Acadian Buckwheat by Bouchard Family Farms. It has a much lighter texture than other...

Fluffy Sourdough Pancakes/Waffles
These sourdough waffles/pancakes have been a favorite in our house for the past few years. They mix up almost as fast as one of those pancake mixes in a box do, taste way better, and are so much better for you! They have healthy fats from the butter and egg yolks, as...

How to Make Homemade Yogurt (pastuerized or raw)
Why make homemade yogurt? In short, homemade yogurt is better, both for you and in taste! If you have been reading my blog, you know I harp on quality. When you make your own yogurt, you control the quality of the milk, which is the most important part, as well as the...