These essential oil roll-ons are some of our favorite tools we have around the house for keeping healthy or recovering from illness quickly. We also put essential oils in diffusers throughout the house, but the rollers are particularly when handy away from home and our diffusers. Essential oil roll-ons are convenient because the essential oils are already diluted to the appropriate amount with a carrier oil. Some oils are considered “hot” which means you should not apply them directly to the skin without first diluting them. When you have a roller made up, all you have to do is give a light shake and apply whenever they are needed.

To use your essential oil roll-ons:

You can apply these to the spine or the bottoms of the feet. I usually do Immune Boom and Germ Destroyer on my kids spines (especially the base). We use Immune Boom daily during the cold and flu season or if we hear of something going around. We all use the Germ Destroyer roll on if one of us is starting to get sick. We also do a night time roller with magnesium oil, aloe, and calming essential oils on the bottoms of their feet.


Homemade Essential Oil Roll Ons


What you need to make essential oil roll-ons:


First: Check the dilution rate on the back of the bottle. If there isn’t one, use the most cautious dilution rate. Here is a dilution chart. My bottle of Immune Boom states to use a 1-3% dilution rate for topical application. Most bottles will state the same. 1% dilution is 6 drops per ounce and 3% dilution is 20 drops. My bottles are 10 milliliters, which is about a third of an ounce. Therefore, I can use anywhere from 2-6 drops per bottle. This may not seem like much, but essential oils are very powerful, especially if you are buying high quality oils such as those by Rocky Mountain Oils and Plant Therapy. Remember that more is not necessarily better when it comes to essential oils. This brings up another important point. At this rate, it will take you quite a while to go through your bottles of essential oils. They should be stored in the fridge! I didn’t know this for years. I thought they lasted forever. As it happens, some oils will keep for years, but some, such as lemon, only last about a year! Keep this in mind when purchasing and go for the smaller bottles unless it is something you know you will be using all the time.

Second: Add your carrier oil. 10 milliliters is equal to a little over two teaspoons, so I put two teaspoons of fractionated coconut oil into my bottle with a tiny funnel, dropped 6 drops of my synergy blend in, popped the roller top on and Voila! Easy as pie.

Some of my favorite roll-ons we use are Immune Boom (Plant Therapy, Kid Safe collection),  Germ Destroyer (Plant therapy, Kid Safe collection) and Nighty Night (Plant Therapy, Kid Safe collection).

To use, you can apply these to the spine or the bottoms of the feet. I usually do Immune Boom and Germ Destroyer on my kids spines (especially the base). We use Immune Boom daily during the cold and flu season or if we hear of something going around. We all use the Germ Destroyer roll on if one of us is starting to get sick. We also do a night time roller with magnesium oil, aloe, and calming essential oils on the bottoms of their feet.



Homemade Essential Oil Roll Ons



If you don’t have the time or desire to make your own, you can buy pre-made roll-ons from Rocky Mountain Essential Oils and Plant Therapy. Both have versions that are safe for children.

Do you use essential oils to stay healthy? What are some of your favorites?

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