Why Lard Should be Invited Back into Your Home
Okay, so maybe lard has never been granted an invitation into your home in the first place. Maybe it never even had a place in your mother or grandmother's homes. It almost certainly had a place in your great-grandmother's home, however. And this is for a good reason!...

Does Red Meat Cause Cancer?
Does red meat cause cancer? No doubt you have heard the various studies in the news, health magazines espousing the evils of red meat. Then on the other side, there is the grass-fed, pastured meat movements espousing the health benefits of red meat. There are diets...

Your Lymphatic System: Fountain of Youth?
This post was updated on 3/6/23. Do you have dull skin, thinning hair, PMS, aching knees, mood swings, forgetfulness, food sensitivities, or those hard-to-lose last 10 pounds? All of these symptoms can be caused or exacerbated by a sluggish lymphatic system....

Is Your Breakfast Helping Or Hurting You? (Plus My Superfood-Filled Breakfast Smoothie Recipe)
I always believed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now I know that this is only true in certain instances. The popular belief that I subscribed to was that eating breakfast gets your metabolism started for the day. In his article "Does Skipping...

Do You Have Harmful Spices in Your Cupboard?
You may already be aware of the dangers lurking in those little spice packets that they sell at the grocery store, such as taco seasoning, but did you know that the herbs and spices you have in your cupboard might also be harmful? What is Wrong with Your Herbs and...

Do You Have a Magnesium Deficiency?
It is estimated that 80-90% of Americans have a magnesium deficiency. Are you one of them? Let's find out..... Things that contribute to a magnesium Deficiency: Eating things containing refined sugar and/or corn syrup (both high fructose and regular) Eating refined...

Resistant Starch: What is it, Why You Need it, and How to Get it
Resistant starch (RS) is yet another area where the Standard American Diet (SAD) is lacking. Americans average just 3-9 grams of resistant starch a day. Whole foods, plant based diets in developing countries get around 30-40 grams per day. Some experts believe our...

Three Easy Ways to Add Fermented Foods to Your Daily Diet
You have probably heard that fermented foods like kraut (sauerkraut) are full of probiotics and that probiotics feed the good bacteria in your gut or microbiome. Now the question is how to get them into your daily routine so that they become a habit. You are much...