What is “Kiddie” Kimchi, you ask? It is a yummy kimchi-like ferment full of super-foods and probiotics  to feed my family’s microbiomes. I love Kimchi, but my kids do not do spicy. Not at all. This ferment uses some of the great flavors and powerful nutrition of kimchi, but leaves out the spice.

Kimchi generally uses Napa cabbage instead of regular green cabbage. It also has garlic (or scallions), ginger, and nutrient-packed sea vegetables. Let me break down the nutritional benefits for you so that you see why I want to get these amazing foods into my family’s diet regularly.


  • reduced blood pressure
  • contains manganese, B6 (energy), vitamin C (immune boosting), Selenium (important for sleep), and fiber
  • can combat the common cold and other sicknesses because it is antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal 
  • lowers “bad” cholesterol
  • protects the brain from diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • detoxifies heavy metals from the body

Ginger is:

  • great for digestion and can even help with chronic indigestion when taken regularly
  • good for nausea, especially morning sickness
  • anti-inflammatory (good since inflammation is the root of disease)
  • balancing to blood sugar (great for the roller coater ride called the Standard American Diet SAD)
  • full of anti-cancer properties
  • a protector of the brain from diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • very effective against oral bacteria such as gingivitis and periodontitis
  • helpful for lowering “bad” cholesterol

Dulse is:

  • an excellent source of iodine which can be very helpful for those with thyroid disease and to prevent thyroid disease from occurring
  • High in immune boosting vitamin C
  • High in vitamin A which is important for maintaining and improving vision
  • Rich in B6 and minerals such as potassium. Potassium balances sodium in your body and regulates water retention. It can also lower blood pressure.
  • a decent source of iron which can improve circulation.
  • full of antioxidants
  • high in omega fatty acids that can improve brain and nervous system function
  • able to regulate digestive processes. Can be especially helpful in relieving constipation or diarrhea.
  • able to help the body build strong bones because it is full of calcium, magnesium, and iron.


Kid-Friendly Kimchi


“Kiddie” Kimchi Recipe:

  • One large head Napa cabbage
  • 2 Tablespoons Celtic Sea Salt
  • Filtered Water
  • Ginger, either minced or in big chunks that you can pull out later. (I add a couple of one inch pieces (peels on) because although my kids like the taste of ginger, they don’t like being surprised by a bite of it.)
  • Garlic (2 or 3 cloves) either minced or whole to pull out after fermentation. (I opt for the whole clove route and pull them out after fermentation because my kids feel the same way about garlic as they do about ginger.) 
  • Dulse, chopped or flaked. (1-2 tablespoons)
  • Mason Jars (wide mouth quart work best), sterilized
  • Airlocks, sterilized (optional but they do really protect your ferment)
  • Fermentation weights (or a sterilized flat rock)


  1. First, cut the the cabbage into thin “shreds”. 
  2. Put the shredded cabbage in a large glass or stainless steel bowl.
  3. Next, sprinkle the salt over the cabbage. Let the salt sit on the cabbage for about 20 minutes or so.
  4. After the salt has soaked into the cabbage, use your hands to mix it and “work” it into the cabbage. Napa cabbage isn’t as firm as green cabbage, so it doesn’t need as much “working”.
  5. Now add your ginger, garlic, and dulse and mix in.
  6. Finally, add the mixture to your mason jars. Pour the salty cabbage water over the top, dividing it equally between your jars. Add your fermentation weight and pack the kimchi down. Add water to cover the mixture, leaving about an inch or inch and a half from the top of the jar to allow for expansion during fermentation. Top with your airlock lids (or plain plastic lids).
  7. Let it sit our of direct sunlight for at least 3 days and up to 2 weeks. 
  8. If you want to make this spicy, add Korean chili powder. There are many variations on Kimchi, but a lot of them also use scallions as well. Some use fish sauce, some dried shrimp, etc. Feel free to experiment!!


How to Make Kid-Friendly Kimchi #kimchi kid-friendlykimchi #fermentedfoods #kraut #sauerkraut #traditionalfoods #preobiotics #guthealth #microbiome #reclaimingvitality

"Kiddie" Kimchi

A tasty kimchi recipe without the spice.


  • One large head Napa cabbage
  • 3 Tablespoons Celtic Sea Salt
  • Filtered Water
  • Ginger either minced or in big chunks that you can pull out later. (I add a couple of one inch pieces because although my kids like the taste of ginger, they don't like getting a bite of it.)
  • Garlic either minced or whole cloves to pull out later. (I opt for the clove route and pull them out after fermentation because my kids feel the same way about garlic as they do about ginger.
  • Dulse chopped or flaked.
  • Mason Jars wide mouth quart, sterilized
  • Airlocks sterilized (optional but they do really protect your ferment)
  • Fermentation weights or a sterilized flat rock


  • First, cut the the cabbage into thin "shreds".
  • Put the shredded cabbage in a large glass or stainless steel bowl.
  • Next, sprinkle the salt over the cabbage. Let the salt sit on the cabbage for about 20 minutes or so.
  • After the salt has soaked into the cabbage, use your hands to mix it and "work" it into the cabbage. Napa cabbage isn't as firm as green cabbage, so it doesn't need as much "working".
  • Now add your ginger, garlic, and dulse and mix in.
  • Finally, add the mixture to your mason jars. Pour the salty cabbage water over the top, dividing it equally between your jars. Add your fermentation weight and pack the kimchi down. Add water to cover the mixture, leaving about an inch or inch and a half from the top of the jar to allow for expansion during fermentation. Top with your airlock lids (or plain plastic lids).
  • Let it sit our of direct sunlight for at least 3 days and up to 2 weeks.


If you want to make this spicy, just add Korean chili powder or the peppers of your choice.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


Do you like Kimchi flavors but have a hard time with spice? Do you love traditional Kimchi? Are you going to try making this?

Kid-friendly kimchee. Get the benefits of kimchee that isn't too spicy for those kids (or adults) that don't do spice. #microbiome #guthealth #fermentedfoods #reclaimingvitalityKid-Friendly Kimchi